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Our History tutors offer exam preparation and past paper tutoring for AQA, OCR, Edexcel, WJEC and SQA boards. To find further details of History private tutors you can obtain free contact details, by clicking on the links of the tutor profile. To see the charges, prices and costs of History tuition click here. If you wish to register as a tutor, please visit this page. If you are unable to find a suitable tutor in your area please visit our tutoring agencies and tuition centres page. Alternatively click here English, Archaeology or Government and Politics to find a private tutor for related subjects.

Showing results 1 to 1 of 1 History Tutors

Mr Michael O'Hanlon- Potters Bar

Mr Michael O'Hanlon
  • A Level
  • Hemel Hempstead
  • Hatfield
  • Cheshunt
  • St Albans
  • Watford
  • Radlett

I am a qualified English teacher with a degree in History from London and a PGCE from Canterbury/Christchurch. I have taught in private and secondary schools here and in Berlin. I am CELTA qualified and experienced in teaching English as a Foreign Language. I have achieved excellent results teaching GCSE and A level.

I have had 15 years experience teaching at an excellent school in the Watford area. I am currently employed in the private sector.... More

Primary, secondary and KS3 History are taught to all school children as part of the humanities section of the national curriculum. Standard Grade and GCSE History courses are a common option chosen by students. Personal teaching can be effective in helping many students consolidate skills required to obtain a qualification. Home History classes can improve revision techniques as well as help with constructing good essays. The syllabus is comprised of three units studied through the two year period. The first unit details the causes, effects and historical milestones. Unit two deals with Russian history pre first world war through to German and American history in the 1930's. Both units contribute a total of seventy five percent to the final grade. The final unit contributes twenty five percent. Here the student must choose two long questions from four questions relating to British history. All units are assessed under examination conditions.

AS-Level History is comprised of two units. These detail world history beginning with the Crusades. The history of Britain, Germany, Russia, France and German are assessed. These units contribute fifty percent of the total mark allocation for the A-Level specification. A-level unit three concentrates on the role of the monarchy throughout Europe over several centuries. This unit is worth thirty percent of the course. Unit four, like GCSE involves an historical enquiry. College students find that local History lessons can bolster their confidence in order to obtain their required grades for university entrance to study Degree level History. At Home Tutors Directory many specialist teachers are on hand who can offer one to one tutoring in your home or alternatively provide online History tuition. This can involve teaching of specific modules such as English, European or American History or Celtic Studies.

On completion of A-Level or Higher Grade History students may decide that they would like to study History at university. There are a vast variety of modules that learners can choose from including Genealogy or Medieval, Modern or Victorian History. The learning of some concepts can be quite daunting and home History teachers can alleviate any fears a student may have for both undergraduate and postgraduate History study.