11 Plus Tutors and 11 Plus Tuition

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Our 11+ tutors offer exam preparation and past paper coaching for all types of entrance exams. To find further details of 11+ private tutors you can obtain free contact details, by clicking on the links of the 11+ tutor profile. To see the charges,prices and costs of private 11+ tuition click here. If you wish to register as a tutor, please visit this page. If you are unable to find a suitable tutor in your area please visit our tutoring agencies and tuition centres page. Alternatively click here Verbal Reasoning, Non Verbal Reasoning, or here Entrance Exams to find a private tutor for related subjects.

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5 11 Plus Tutors

Dr Margaret Nwagwu- Nottingham

Dr Margaret Nwagwu
  • All Levels
  • Arnold
  • Hucknall
  • West Bridgford
  • Beeston
  • Wollaton

I am an experienced teacher who offers a personalized tutoring service for all students face to face and online. I am highly qualified with a PhD in science and a PGCE. My tutoring style is informed by my 14 years experience as a teacher and over 5 years as an examiner for the 3 major exam boards. As well as developing students independent learning skill, I specialize in providing tuition for students wishing to apply to medicine and medically related university courses.... More

Jane Grenander- Cobham

Jane Grenander
  • Primary
  • Leatherhead
  • Walton on Thames
  • Weybridge
  • Esher

Highly experienced, friendly ,11+ Tutor covering all aspects of the testing- Maths, English, VR and NVR - no need for separate tutors! Scholarships and Tiffin entry achieved every year.
Stand alone school suitability assessment also available. Get information about local schools and know which ones would be achievable for your child. Together we make a plan in order for your child to succeed. POA... More

Carol Wardell- Southend on Sea

Carol Wardell
  • Secondary
  • Wickford
  • Hockley
  • Leigh on Sea
  • Rayleigh

I am a specialist teacher of English and Maths, working with students who have attendance or behavioural problems and also helping learners who lack confidence.... More

Rachel Smith- Northampton

Rachel Smith
  • KS1 & KS2
  • Wellingborough
  • Towcester
  • Silverstone

Highly experienced primary KS1 & 2 and 11+ exam skills teacher and Headmistress, with 29 year of primary teaching in both the state and private sector. Expertise in working with all abilities and needs. I am supportive and highly experienced in teaching pupils of all abilities to get the best from them,... More

HL Tutoring Services- Leeds

HL Tutoring Services
  • Primary
  • Guiseley
  • Chapletown
  • Pudsey
  • Wortley

I qualified as a teacher in 1998 and I possess a degree in History (BA) Hons, a PGCE in Primary Education, a TEFL certificate and a TESOL certificate. I enjoy teaching students of all ages; from young children to adults.

I offer personalised lessons which result in rapid progress and students gaining confidence. I have received excellent reviews from extremely happy clients. I look forward to helping you soon!... More

The 11+ exam or common entrance exam is sat by students to obtain Grammar School entrance. It is usually taken in the last year of primary education (year six) in the UK.

The 11+ exam is divided into two sections. These are English and Maths. The 11+ English component covers topics such has the ordering of words and sequences, writing and the ability to answer comprehension questions. The 11+ Maths section deals with Algebra, Shape and Space and Handling Data. Local 11+ teaching is in growing demand and often sought by parents to offer exam practise with 11+ English topics. This encourages a student to write stories and become aware of the necessity of punctuation and spelling. The 11+ Maths section can often be tricky. With the help of home 11+ classes, school children can be equipped with the skills and revision techniques needed to pass their entrance exam or transfer tests. These can include such topics as decimals, fractions, volumes and angles etc.

The types of 11+ exam that a student will sit in the UK dependent upon the local LEA. This varies throughout the UK. There are four different examinations. The first is verbal reasoning the second is non verbal reasoning involving pictures, diagrams and images, the third can be arithmetic and the fourth can be English. To secure a place a Grammar school a student must be able to grasp both the verbal reasoning and non verbal reasoning exams. As the eleven plus exam is now rising in popularity you may wish to find private 11+ teachers with us. Some of our teachers are home based while others are willing to travel to you. Alternatively you may wish to see some of our 11+ online tutors who can offer coaching via Skype. Most children sitting the 11 plus exam sit any combination of two of these examinations, however they may be asked to sit more, again depending on the local LEA.